Alfonso Pagani is the coordinator of the ERC-StG project PRE-ECO ( and serves as associate professor at the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Politecnico di Torino. He earned a Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering at City University of London in 2016 and, earlier, a Ph.D. in Fluid-dynamics at Politecnico di Torino under the supervision of Prof. E. Carrera.
In 2018, Alfonso joined California Institute of Technology as visiting associate to work on acoustics of meta-materials. Also, he spent research periods at Purdue University in 2016, where he worked on micro-mechanics of fibre-reinforced composites with Prof. W. Yu; RMIT Melbourne in 2014, where he developed models for flutter analysis and gust response of composite lifting surfaces with Prof. E. Carrera and M. Petrolo; at Universidade do Porto in 2013, where he carried out investigations on the use of RBFs for the solution of equations of motion of higher-order beam models with Prof. A.J.M. Ferreira; at London City University in 2012, where he formulated exact, DSM-based models for metallic and composite structures with Prof. R. Banerjee.
Alfonso is the co-author of some 150 publications, including 90+ articles in International Journals, which have collected more than 1200 citations (h-index 21, source: Scopus). He acts as a reviewer for more than 20 International journals and is associate editor for Advances in Aircraft and Spacecraft Structures, an Int’l Journal (Techno-Press) and the International Journal of Dynamics and Control (Springer).
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
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