Smart Intelligent Aircraft Structures


Call: FP7-AAT-2011-RTD-1 Grant Number: 284562
Starting Date: 01/10/2011 Duration: 48 Months


The SARISTU project presents an excellent opportunity for 64 partners to work together, in order to achieve the ambitious SARISTU objectives of aircraft weight and operational cost reductions, as well as of improving the flight profile specific aerodynamic performance.

The full partners list is avaiable here.


The European Seventh Framework Programme Project Smart Intelligent Aircraft Structures (SARISTU) is aimed to the physical assessment of the combinations of different technological solutions and their combined effect at full aircraft level. These solutions include morphing structures, integrated sensing structures, self-healing structures and multifunctional structures. The main beneficiary of SARISTU is AIRBUS.

Polito's participation is aimed to the implementation of multi-field stick model elements into a wing aero-elastic model; to integrate adaptive drop nose, trailing edge and the winglet CAD models into wing stick model to be used for wing aero-elastic and loads modelling.

MUL2 Investigators

Erasmo Carrera, Alfonso Pagani, Enrico Zappino