Low-Fidelity versus High-Fidelity Finite Element Models for Static, Dynamic and Aeroelastic Analyses of Composite Wings
Start Date: | 15-Aug-2014 | Duration: | 36 Months |
Low-Fidelity versus High-Fidelity Finite Element Models for Static, Dynamic and Aeroelastic Analyses of Composite Wings (LoHCW) is part of the Aeroelatic Tailoring project headed by EMBRAER S.A. The Aeroelasting Tailoring group involves more than ten International partners, whose aim is to develop a framework of processes and tools to (i) navigate structural design drivers of an aircraft satisfying multiple physical requirements - namely structures, loads, flutter, and performance - and (ii) provide insight on how new technologies may affect aircraft design with particular reference to composite materials.
In LoHCW, the MUL2 team is in charge of the development of higher-order and multi-fidelity structural models of the EMBRAER benchmark full-composite wing. Structural models based on the Carrera Unified Formulation (CUF) will be used and coupled with state-of-the-art aerodynamic tools in order to develop a Low- vs High- (LoH) fidelity environment. The tool resulting from LoHCW project will be able to deal with multidisciplinary analyses of composite wings, including static response, free vibration analysis and buckling in a global/local scenario.
MUL2 Investigators
Erasmo Carrera, Alfonso Pagani
Reference Papers
Carrera E., La Pietra R., Pagani A.. "Buckling analysis and vibrations of pre-stressed reinforced-shell structures by Component-Wise models", In: International Conference on Vibrations and Buckling, Porto, Portugal, 7-9 March 2016.