FUTPRINT50 is an H2020 research project (LC-MG-1-7-2019) aiming at developing technologies and configurations for a hybrid-electric 50-seat regional airliner that could enter service in 2035-40. Led by University of Stuttgart in Germany, FUTPRINT50 is an international cooperation project, running from January 2020 to December 2022.

The project team is particularly proud to have included in its plans the FUTPRINT50 Academy.

The establishment of a FUTPRINT50 academy will help preparing the future professionals for the challenges of Flightpath 2050. In form of academic modules, workshops and continuous professional development courses, FUTPRINT50 will foster a strong network of graduate and postgraduate students, post-doctoral researchers, and young engineers aligned with the hybrid-electric matters and a dissemination of the tools created.

How to get involved

The attached flyer provides a brief overview of the FUTPRINT50 Academy, including the key research themes and the expected timeline. If you are interested in the topic of the challenge and you have one (or more) students to be involved, kindly send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please, indicate:

  • The key theme of your interest
  • The type of the student involved (BSc., MSc. Etc.) and his/her contact details
  • The institution in which the student is enrolled
  • The contact details of his/her supervisor