The Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto was founded in 1837 and is one of the 14 faculties at the University of Porto. FEUP is the largest faculty of the University of Porto, with 3 First Degree Programmes, 9 Integrated Master Programmes (5 years), 12 Master Programmes (2 years) and 22 Doctoral Programmes. FEUP has more than 8,000 students and 500 professors from nine departments. FEUP has cooperative relations that it maintains with businesses and prestigious higher-education institutions in Europe and the rest of the world, with special emphasis on the USA and Brazil. This collaboration covers aspects as diverse as research applied to industry, professional training and mobility programmes for students and staff, and the establishment of joint degrees. FEUP has come to enlarge its basis of cooperation, also participating in the main international networks and prestigious engineering associations. Its vast network of contacts has stimulated the organization of numerous international conferences on its campus, giving the whole community the opportunity of seeing topics of general interest debated by the world’s top specialists.
Professor Antonio Ferreira