This is the website of the H2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie European Training Network project FULLCOMP - FULLy integrated analysis, design, manufacturing and health-monitoring of COMPosite structures.

The FULLCOMP project is funded by the European Commission under a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks grant for European Training Networks (ETN). FULLCOMP provides intersectoral, interdisciplinary and international training to Early Stage Researchers (ESRs). The FULLCOMP consortium is composed of 7 Universities - Politecnico di Torino (Italy), University of Bristol (UK), Ecole Nationale Superieure d'arts et Metiers (Bordeaux, France), University of Hannover (Germany), University of Porto (Portugal), University of Washington (USA), RMIT (Australia)- 1 research institute (Luxembourg Institute of Technology) and 1 company (Elan-Ausy, Hamburg, Germany). FULLCOMP recruited 12 PhD students who work in an international framework to develop integrated analysis tools to improve the design of composite structures. The full spectrum of the design of composite structures is dealt with, such as manufacturing, health-monitoring, failure, modeling, multiscale approaches, testing, prognosis, and prognostic. The FULLCOMP research activity is aimed at many engineering fields, e.g. aeronautics, automotive, mechanical, wind energy, and space.


A leaflet of the project can be found here