After earning degree (Industrial and Civil Engineering in 1970), receiving his PhD degree (Strength of Materials in 1974) and Doctor of Technical Science (Mechanics of Solid Deformable Body in 1986) at the Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, Russia, Victor Șeremet had working at the Technical University of Moldova (as Researcher and Superior Lecturer in 1974, as Associate Professor in 1995), at the Agrarian State University of Moldova (as Associate Professor since 1975 and Professor since 1998),  at the Academy of Transports and Communications of Moldova (2002–2003-Professor of Mathematics, 2005–2006 - Professor and Head of the Department of Engineering Sciences),  where he held courses of Strength of Materials, Structural Mechanics, Engineering Constructions,  Mathematics, Theoretical Mechanics and Soil Mechanics. In 1995 he received his highest degree of Doctor Habilatation in Physico-mathematical Sciences (Mechanics of Solid Deformable Body, 1995) at Technical University of Moldova. He has visited the “Gheorge Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Romania, as invited Professor (2002), the Paris-Est University, Paris, France - four times as Invited Professor (in 2004, 2005, 2007, and 2010), Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastic (WIAS), Berlin, Germany, as Guest Researcher (2008), at Politecnico di Torino, DIMEAS, MUL2 project, as Professor under a EMA2 EUROEAST Grant (2013), and at Henan University of Technology (China), as Visiting Professor (3 months since 16 December 2013). His main current research topic is the constructing the Green’s functions and matrices and their application in applied mechanics. He is author of 9 books and of more than 130 articles on this topic, many of which have been published in international journals. He is thrice laureate of prizes of Academy of Sciences of Moldova (2005, 2010, 2012), fellow of Institute of Technology of GB (2003), best professor of UASM (2003), Laureate of Prize and Diploma of Merit of S CSTD of Moldova etc. Occasionally, he serves as referee for some international journals as EABE, Journal Mechanics of Solids (British Royal Society), Journal Mechanics of Advances Materials and Structures, Transylvanian Journal of Mechanics and Mathematics, Journal of Thermal Stresses, and Cambridge Journal of Mechanics.


Șeremet Victor
Profesor at Agrarian State University of Moldova
Mircești Street, 44
2049, Chișinău, Moldova, and
Principal Researcher of Academy of Science of Moldova, IMI, LMM
Academiei Street, 5
2028, Chișinău, Moldova
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.